As a follow-up to our recent North Atlantic regional geology studies offshore Ireland (Porcupine Basin, Offshore Ireland, 2015) and offshore eastern Canada (Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, 2016), Core Laboratories is pleased to present the Atlantic Ireland Phase II study. This project extends our geological database into the Goban Spur, Fastnet and Celtic Sea Basins, offshore Ireland, as well as adjoining basins in the offshore UK Sector (Melville & South Celtic Sea Basins).
The study focuses on sedimentological and petrographical analysis of reservoir and seal rocks in the pre-Upper Cretaceous succession, providing valuable rock-based geological information to aid seismic evaluation of the under-drilled Goban Spur and surrounding areas. The well database included in this project comprises a total of 20 new wells from the Fastnet and Celtic Sea Basins, in addition to the existing Goban Spur 62/7-1 well, four DSDP drilling sites and three wells from the UK Sector.