Core Laboratories is a leading provider of proprietary and patented reservoir description and production enhancement services and products. These services and products enable the Company’s clients to optimize reservoir performance and maximize hydrocarbon recovery from their producing fields. The Company has over 70 offices in more than 50 countries and is located in every major oil-producing province in the world.

Core Lab provides its services to the world’s major, national and independent oil companies.

Well Spacing Diagnostics

Tracer diagnostics provide operators long term, data-driven insights to optimize well spacing and enhance overall field development strategies. By deploying Core Laboratories tracers, operators can monitor fluid movement, measure inter-well communication, and evaluate fracture efficiency over time without shutting wells in. These diagnostics help identify reservoir depletion patterns, evaluate mitigation strategies (such as re-fracs), reduce frac hits, and ensure effective drainage from each well.

Carbon Capture

Leveraging decades of global experience and expertise in reservoir description and characterization, Core Laboratories is your premier partner for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) subsurface characterization. We deliver best in class custom evaluation programs to ensure comprehensive subsurface risk assessment and timely regulatory compliance. Further downstream, we are also a trusted partner for quantity and quality inspection services for carbon storage monitoring, verification, and reporting.

Core Predict™ is an artificial intelligence tool that analyzes thin section images and searches our global rock catalog for measured petrophysical and geological analog data. This tool provides calibration data before lab results are delivered and can be utilized when rock samples are not suitable for physical lab measurements.

3AB™ – Process Driven A/B Testing

Field trials, lab testing, and data analytics combine to de-risk decision making, creating a statistically relevant data set in just two to three wells.

Petroleum Products

Core Laboratories provides independent quantity and quality inspection of all types of refined products drawn from vessels, tanks, barges, shore tanks, rail cars, and all other bulk storage facilities to help with loss control.


Core Laboratories introduced Non-Invasive Technologies for Reservoir Optimizations (NITROSM) services, which provide Fit-For-ReservoirTM (FFRTM) core and fluid analytical data analyses within a short timeframe.

These proprietary and non-invasive techniques are utilized to characterize core from onshore and offshore reservoirs, including both con­ventional and unconventional targets. Digital Rock Characterization (DRC), one of the NITROSM technologies, provides data on reservoir quality, lithologic variations, pay-zone heterogeneities, porosity and permeability, along with other rock parameters.

Stim-Lab Consortium

Now into its 37th year, the consortium focuses on investigating methods to optimize recovery from hydraulically fractured oil and gas wells.

Career Opportunities

We continue to build and maintain a workforce of talented and diverse individuals.

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