Available in RAPID
The Santos Basin has been heavily featured in all ANP License Rounds to date. Core Laboratories is pleased to present in this study, the generation of an all-new geoscience dataset (biostratigraphy, geochemistry, reservoir geology and petrophysics) from thirty-one (31) wells.
The study was initiated in January 2000 and completed in February 2001 under approval from ANP under Ordinance 114. PHASE II – DEEPWATER , a nine (9) well extension, was initiated in 2002.
The main technical objective of the study is to provide a geological model of the Santos Basin. The geological model will provide an improved basis for hydrocarbon evaluation, and understanding of the functioning of petroleum systems. This was achieved through the following approach:
- Construct a basin-wide biostratigraphic framework through the integration of lithostratigraphic, biostratigraphic, and wireline log data
- Constrain an extensive geochemical database within this stratigraphic framework and identify the functioning of petroleum systems
- Establish correlations between reservoir quality and depositional/diagenetic units, and evaluate controls on reservoir quality
- Determine seal effectiveness, potential and controls on extent
- Develop a summary of the petroleum geology of the area
- Provide a digital database of laboratory and well data, including electric logs for the area
- Provide a browser (HTML) version of the dataset and report
Five (5) bound interpretive volumes are provided. These volumes are fully illustrated with figures, analytical data and regional data in the form of maps, isopachs and cross sections. Conclusions from the analytical and interpretive program have been synthesized into regional petroleum geology, outlining current and proposed play concepts.