Core Laboratories completed “A Regional Petroleum Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential Study of the Gulf of Thailand” in September 1995. This study has been fully updated with eight (8) additional wells. A browser edition of the report is also available.
A database of forty-six (46) wells and over 9,000 line km of seismic has been assembled for the study. The objectives of the study are:
- Construct a basin-wide lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic framework as a basis to establish a non-marine sequence stratigraphy and models of sedimentary facies for such sequences in the Gulf of Thailand
- Investigate the stratigraphic distribution of effective hydrocarbon source rocks in the area
- Determine the structural style and provide a balanced interpretation of the structural mechanism for the origin of each basin
- Establish correlations between reservoir quality and depositional/diagenetic units, and evaluate controls on reservoir quality and seal effectiveness
- Develop a summary of the petroleum geology and hydrocarbon potential of the Gulf of Thailand
- Provide a digital database of laboratory and well data including electric logs for the Gulf of Thailand
- Provide a browser edition of the report and database
Three (3) bound interpretive volumes are provided . These volumes are fully illustrated with seismic sections, analytical data and regional data in the form of maps, isopachs and cross sections. In addition, all laboratory data and well logs are appended to the final report in digital format.
Conclusions from the analytical and interpretive program have been synthesized into a regional petroleum geology/hydrocarbon potential analysis, outlining current and proposed play concepts.