A Regional Geo-engineering and Geophysical Study
of the SCOOP-STACK Oklahoma
The Integrated Reservoir Solutions Division of Core Laboratories and TGS are proposing to interested companies participation in a multi-company, geo-engineering study of the SCOOP-STACK Oklahoma which compliments our ongoing study of the underlying Woodford Shale in Oklahoma.
- Construct database consisting of geological, petrophysical, geomechanical, and geochemical properties
- Characterize and evaluate numerous conventional cores targeting the SCOOP-STACK Oklahoma to:
- Predict production potential
- Determine landing zones for horizontal wells
- Estimate EUR
- Optimize fracture stimulation techniques
- TGS’s extended log coverage will be used to enhance regional geological and petrophysical interpretations
- Rock property data will be integrated with log data, stimulation techniques, production and seismic information
- Regional stratigraphic cross sections will be constructed and attribute maps generated
- Stratigraphic models will be applied to the interpretation of template lines derived from TGS’s existing 3-D seismic survey in the area
Project Objectives:
- Geologically characterize and classify the SCOOP-STACK Oklahoma and measure the various petrophysical properties.
- Measure and characterize the organic content.
- Develop petrophysical models to determine SCOOP-STACK Oklahoma formation properties.
- Integrate the core data with well logs, fracture stimulation techniques, and production tests.
- Provide a regional assessment.
- Develop relationships from the database to aid in evaluating various rock physics seismic attribute volumes calibrated to core.
- Develop a “SCOOP-STACK Oklahoma Rock Catalog” to aid in the evaluation of properties from drill cuttings and logs.
- Provide a searchable database for SCOOP-STACK Oklahoma properties that can be used as analogs.