Reservoir evaluation is crucial for exploration, development, and production of oil and gas reservoirs, and for the assessment and optimization of carbon capture and storage (CCS) sites.
Completion diagnostic services provide the most comprehensive line of imaging and tracing services supported by experts in the industry. Supported by more than 90 years of expertise in engineering and laboratory analytics, you can count on valuable insight that helps improve your results.
Core Laboratories’ data describing the reservoir system are used by engineers, geologists, and geophysicists worldwide to enhance hydrocarbon production so that it will exceed the 40% average oilfield recovery factor. The most effective means of enhancing production is controlling formation damage, the leading cause of underperforming wells worldwide. No one can do more than Core Laboratories to identify, remediate, and minimize the damage to producing formations that can occur during drilling and completion of a well.
Our fluids business focuses on crude oil and its derived products and operates under our trade name Saybolt. We service the energy industry with laboratory analyses, independent field inspections as well as monitoring and verification programs. While technological innovation has increased exponentially since we began offering our services in 1898, the basic principles of inspection remain constant: to provide swift, accurate and reliable data. Independence and Integrity are the unshakable cornerstones of our operations.
Core Lab Instruments, manufactures, and supplies a wide range of laboratory instrumentation for the petroleum industry. Designed with the benefit of Core Laboratories’ experience as the industry’s foremost provider of a broad range of research and laboratory testing services, these precision instruments are designed to address the industry’s most exacting requirements. We specialize in providing custom solutions to our clients’ experimental needs.
Optimize Flood Performance During Any Stage of the IOR/EOR Process