Initiation Systems And Devices
Owen Oil Tools provides a wide selection of detonators and initiation devices for a multiple of different gun system applications ranging from cutter applications to detcord initiation. We take pride in the fact that all of our detonators exceed the API RP-67 safety requirements. Safety and reliability are some of the main focuses while incorporating a cost-effective initiation device suitable for the oilfield employee.
Technology is continually evolving in the global marketplace which creates both opportunity and hazards at the well site. Many well site hazards are visible; however, radio frequency hazards that affect the use of explosives are not as apparent. Owen’s Safe Fire Systems are initiating systems immune to the RF hazards that present risk to operations involving resistorized, electric detonators. This technology is used in conditions where concerns over RF energy and stray voltage make it necessary to increase safety precautions by using EBW detonators and accompanying PX-1 firesets.
Owen’s product line on initiation devices include:
- Exposed Detonators
- Fluid-Desensitized Detonators
- Top-Fire Detonators
- Percussion Initiators
- Electric Igniters
- Explosive Transfer/Boosters
A full range of Safe Fire Systems include:
- PX-1 Fireset
- EBW’s
Initiation Systems Services & Products

Flexible Cord
Detonating cord has multiple uses and applications in downhole oil & gas operations. The various sizes and explosive compounds enable its use in a variety of tools for wireline or TCP service applications, exposed conditions, and at a range of wellbore pressures and temperatures.

RF Safe
Owen Oil Tools in conjunction with Pacific Scientific have developed the Green Det™, the latest in enhanced reliability and safety. In today’s RF producing operational environment, Green Det™ is a low energy, RF Safe, Reactive Semi-Conductor Bridge (R.S.C.B) detonator that allows safer communication during perforating and fracture stimulation operations.
READ MOREGo Cartridge
GoGun® is the fully disposable perforating system from Core Laboratories with Arm & GoTM operation that requires no wiring and is adaptive to your specific needs.

GoGun® is the fully disposable, factory-assembled, plug-and-play perforating system from Core Laboratories that optimizes the industry-leading performance of proprietary Owen energetics.
Detonators for exposed downhole applications.

New generation igniter for initiating GO and Baker style setting tools featuring enhanced contact materials to ensure dependability in humid storage and harsh downhole environments. The RF-Safe certification and consistent electrical connections require limited intervention to save unwanted NPT in shutting down radio communications and troubleshooting common contact issues and downhole failures. GoSet Igniter can be used in both vertical and horizontal configurations for pump-down perforating, plugging and abandonment.