Rock Properties

Routine Rock Properties instruments measure the properties of core samples, providing a physical model of reservoir characterization. The measured data are used to define storage capacity (porosity), the magnitude and distribution of flow capacity (permeablility), and fluid saturation, as well as lithology and other parameters.

This product category includes instruments and systems for rock properties measurement, for imaging and preservation of cores, and for measurement of rock properties at the well site.

Rock Properties include all measurements and tests which would routinely be made on core samples. These samples can include conventional core, plugs drilled from conventional core, rotary sidewall cores, and percussion sidewall cores.

Core Laboratories will normally run these tests on every sample. This would also include all core handling and sample acquisition required to provide samples for these measurements, as well as other special core analysis and petrographic analysis.

For special applications, please contact the Engineering Department at Core Lab Instruments.

Rock Properties Instruments

Routine Rock Properties Instruments

Routine Rock Properties instruments measure the properties of core samples, providing a physical model of reservoir characterization. The measured data are used to define storage capacity (porosity), the magnitude and distribution of flow capacity (permeability), and fluid saturation, as well as lithology and other parameters.

Advanced Digital Imaging System, ADIS

The ADIS Advanced Digital Imaging System is designed to capture high resolution core images using a high resolution, color line scanner camera under white light, as well as UV light. The system is computer controlled in order to acquire high quality images in a rapid, repetitive format.

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Ambient Electrical Properties System

AMEP system is dedicated to measurements of various electrical properties of core plug sample including Formation Factor as well as Resistivity Index at ambient conditions.

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Archimedes Bulk Volume – VBA-200

The Archimedes bulk volume measurement system is designed to rapidly and accurately determine the Bulk Volume (VBAbulk) of a saturated or partially saturated sample gravimetrically.

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Automatic Gas Permeameter Porosimeter 700 bar

The AG2P is an automatic and highly accurate system for determining rock properties such as permeability, Klinkenberg permeability, pore volume, porosity and grain volume at overburden pressure.

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Advanced Rock Properties Instruments

Acoustic Velocity System, AVMS-350HT

Acoustic Velocity System, VpVs, is a bench-top system with complete digital PC based state-of-the-art data acquisition system for plug-size samples. These systems determine compression and shear wave velocities on rock samples as a function of confining stress and pore fluid pressure.

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Advanced Resistivity ARS-300

ARS-300, state of the art resistivity measuring system, features programmable RCL meter, pneumatic atmospheric core holder and 4 electrode measuring system.

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Auto Flood Reservoir Conditions Core Flooding System with Miscible Gas Module, AFS-300

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Core Holders Instruments

Acoustic Velocity Core Holder- AVC Series

Acoustic velocity measurements are performed during logging measurements at reservoir locations. This core holder is used to test a core sample in the laboratory at reservoir conditions.

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Formation Damage Core Holder- DFCH Series

These core holders are designed to allow the flow of a drilling fluid across the core face. The direction of the flow is perpendicular to the core face. The flow paths prior to and after the core face are designed to allow uniform fluid flow.

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Hassler Type Core Holder- RCH Series

Our RCH or RCHR Series core holders are standard Hassler type core holders. Hassler type core holders are defined as core holders that have radial pressure applied to the core sample.

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Drilling and Stimulation Properties Instruments

Continuous Wave Technique -CWT

The Continuous Wave Technique (CWT) methodology was introduced in 1996 by IKU Petroleum Research (now SINTEF Petroleum Research) as a method for measuring the acoustic velocities on small core samples, including in particular shale drill cuttings.

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Coreseal™ is a sealing material developed by Core Laboratories and proven throughout the oil industry. It was specifically designed for long- and short-term preservation of core material.

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Fracture Conductivity Cells, FCC-100

Fracture Conductivity Cells, is developed by our STIM-LAB business unit, the leading industry authority on proppant conductivity testing. When developing long-term fracture conductivity test standards, it was established that the original API RP 61 cells for short-term fracture conductivity testing were inadequate.

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Instrument Accessories

Acoustically Monitored Separator, AMS™-900

Acoustically Monitored Separator, a Dual-bore mechanical separator equipped with an ultrasonic transducer for detection of liquid-liquid/gas-liquid interfaces. The relative proportion of effluent is sensed by a sound reflection technique that utilizes an acoustic pulse triggered at the bottom of the measurement bore.

Acoustically Monitored Separator, AMS™-900-20K

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Back Pressure Regulators- BP & BPR Series

Core Laboratories offers two series of back pressure regulators for the maintenance of pressure in laboratory test systems. These regulators are used in maintaining the pressure in flow studies, PVT studies, Supercritical Fluids tests, and batch and continuous flow reactors.

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Fluid Transfer Vessels & Accumulators

We offer a complete line of floating piston and rodded transfer vessels. These vessels can be used for a variety of purposes and applications.

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Shale Oil/Gas Testing Equipment Instruments

Gas Adsorption Isotherm System – GAI-100

Gas Adsorption Isotherm System is a high pressure, 10,000 psi, system designed for the evaluation of gas adsorption isotherms, or the gas capacity of a shale or coal sample.

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NANOK Permeameter – NANOK-100

NANOK-100 Nano Permeameter is a digital, steady state gas permeameter system for testing plug size core samples and is configured for 3-point “Klinkenberg” measurements on ultra low permeability rock samples.

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Shale Matrix Permeameter – SMP-200

Shale Matrix Permeameter provides a precise method for determining matrix permeability on crushed oil or gas shale samples.

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University Training Equipment Instruments

Abacus Bulk Volume Weigh Station

Abacus Bulk Volume Weigh Station is an easy-to-use bulk-volume apparatus that uses the fluid displacement principle (with a reservoir for approximately 300 ml of mercury) to determine quickly and accurately the Bulk Volume (BV-Hg) of plug-size core samples.

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Ambient Resistivity System – ARS-200

Ambient Resistivity System – a state of the art resistivity measuring system features a programmable RCL meter, pneumatic atmospheric core holder and 2/4 electrode measuring system. The ARS-200 is specifically designed to assist universities and other teaching institutions with the hands-on instruction process.

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Capillary Pressure Appartus – CPPP-300

The system is designed to assist universities and other teaching institutions with the hands on instruction process. It provides an instrument that allows the student to perform the classic porous plate saturated core sample desaturation experiment in a structured transparent method

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