Fracture Conductivity Cells, FCC-100
Fracture Conductivity Cells, is developed by our STIM-LAB business unit, the leading industry authority on proppant conductivity testing. When developing longterm fracture conductivity test standards, it was established that the original API RP 61 cells for short-term fracture conductivity testing were inadequate.
The FCC-100 Fracture Conductivity Cell was designed, built and patented to improve there performance in long term fracture conductivity tests and are constructed using stainless steel. Core leak-off capabilities are improved and a unique removable end inserts added that enable a combination of conductivity testing and flow-back testing to be performed in the same cell. Fracture conductivity testing can be performed using gelled fluids, building filter-cake due to leak-off to give conductivity results under realistic down-hole conditions. Tests can be conducted at up to 350 °F (177 °C) and closure pressures to 12,000 psig (84 MPa). Where proppant flow-back can occur API end pieces can be simply changed out and flow-back end pieces inserted which is a unique property of the FCC-100 Cell.
Fracture Conductivity Cells are available in a multiple cell configuration that utilizes shared pistons and unique hardware to enable stacking of up to four cells in a single hydraulic press to reduce operation costs. With the FCC-100 Conductivity Cell proppant pack width measurement is easily performed and all cells can remain parallel.
Custom designed heavywalled cells are available, for consistent use in high closure stress testing. Cells are available in: Stainless Steel, Hastelloy and Monel.
Available with Facture Conductivity Cells: Frac Cells; Mutual Pistons; Frac Fluid End Inserts; API End Inserts. Also, available for use with FCC-100 cells: Shear History Simulator and Foam Leak-off Attachment.