HPM Densitometer System

The HPM Densitometer System was developed to allow the measurement of dry gases to fluid densities at elevated temperatures (max. 2000°C, 3920°F) and pressures (max. 20,000 psig). The oven is also capable of operating at sub-ambient temperatures (min. approx. 10°C, 180°F below ambient) due to the inclusion of an air vortex cabinet cooler.

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The density measuring module HP HT DMC associated to the evaluation unit mPDS determines the density at reservoir pressures (up to 1400 bar) and temperatures (up to 200°C).

HP HT DMC is commonly used in reservoir studies either integrated into a PVT analysis system or with slim tube apparatus for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) experiments. HP HT DMC can be proposed in two different design for temperature generation and control: first option a thermodynamic bath, second option a climatic air bath.

Standard Model Specifications:

  • Volume of the sample in the measuring cell: 2 ml
  • Working Pressure: 1400 bar (20,300psi)
  • Density Range: 0 to 3g/cm3
  • Density Resolution: Up to 0.00001g/cm3
  • Working Temperature: -10 to +200°C
  • Cell Material: Hastelloy