Portable Probe Permeameter – PPP-250
Portable Probe Permeameter provides a precise method for rapidly determining gas permeability in field locations and at the lab.
Data is determined by the unsteady state method, pressure decay is measured as a function of time allowing for the computation of Kgas.
The system is provided in a rugged suitcase housing for the probe permeameter with the PC and probe in a second module which is designed to be carried to the field in, and operated from, a standard backpack. The instrument includes a gas reservoir that allows measurements to be made independent from a gas source.
A 24-volt power pack supplies electricity for the instrument. Field measurements are made in the field by pressing the probe tip against the rock surface. Initial flow pressure of 35 psi, declines as gas flows into the rock surface, the decay versus time is recorded and the permeability calculated from the pressure decay curve.
Data can be measured from outcrops, whole cores and slabbed cores as well as other types of samples. Data are available in tabular and digital form.
Scope of Supply:
- Portable Probe Permeameter in transportable case weight: 15 pounds (approximately)
- Portable Computer and Probe, 8 pounds (approximately)
- Windows based operating software
- Rechargeable Lithium Ion Battery