Carbon Capture

Leveraging 86 years of global experience and expertise in reservoir description and characterization, Core Laboratories is your premier partner for CCS subsurface characterization. We deliver best in class custom evaluation programs to ensure comprehensive subsurface risk assessment and timely regulatory compliance. Further downstream, we are also a trusted partner for quantity and quality inspection services for carbon storage monitoring, verification, and reporting.

Reservoir Characterization

Understand geological storage potential and geochemical reactions with reservoir characterization studies.

Seal Evaluation

Gather specific modeling inputs for seal capacity and lateral extent to meet regulatory requirements.

Reporting and Verification

Quantify CO2 in all phases to provide certification at production sites, pipelines and on vessels.

Injection Monitoring

Monitor plumes with specific and dedicated proprietary chemical tracers.


With FOSFA and GAFTA recognized activities, we can provide quantity and quality testing in the agricultural space. Our continuous attendance, real time reporting and timely issuance of letters of reserves or protest, safeguard your interests at all times.

Advanced Rock Typing

With FOSFA and GAFTA recognized activities, we can provide quantity and quality testing in the agricultural space. Our continuous attendance, real time reporting and timely issuance of letters of reserves or protest, safeguard your interests at all times.