AI Petrophysical Tool

Core Predict™ uses artificial intelligence to analyze thin section images and search our global rock catalog for measured analog data. This tool provides early-time petrophysical data and can be utilized when rock samples are not suitable for physical lab measurements.

Ask an expert today to learn more about how Core Predict™ can help you:

  • Obtain petrophysical data on small volume samples
  • Expedite exploration or development decisions
  • Leverage your proprietary data to build a custom analog search

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Digital Rock Characterization

Core Predict™

Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool that searches global rock catalog for physically measured analog data quickly and efficiently.

By using RAPIDZoom™ high-resolution thin section images of cuttings, small-volume core samples, and/or sidewall core samples, Core Predict™ quickly finds and ranks analog matches, returning data sets that include physically measured petrophysical and geomechanical properties, mineralogy, and petrographic parameters.