Conventional Rock Properties

Provides fundamental understanding of rock properties on formations such as sandstones and carbonates.

Ask an expert today to learn more about how Conventional Rock Properties can help you:

  • Understand evaporative losses from crushed rock analysis
  • Define bound versus mobile fluid volumes from in-situ samples
  • Identify rock properties in silty sands, tight carbonates or mudstones where plug analysis isn’t feasible

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Conventional Rock Properties

Conventional core analysis is the starting point for a wide range of geologic and engineering services provided by Core Laboratories. Over the years the line between what has historically been considered “conventional or routine” core analysis and more advanced analysis has blurred. The scientists, engineers and technicians at Core Laboratories in the “more than Conventional Core Analysis” group will be delighted to begin your reservoir evaluation by providing the following services.

Core Gamma (Total and Spectral)

Accurate placement of the cored section within the well bore is only possible with a high quality gamma measured in the laboratory. The latest technology for measurement of natural gamma radiation, both total and spectral, is available to the client through the technicians at Core Laboratories.

Slabbing (Radial, Bandsaw)

Much of the knowledge to be gained from core recovered in a particular reservoir is gained through a detailed study of depositional environment. This may be done while looking at the core directly or with digital images. Most geologists prefer a slabbed surface for a careful, detailed examination of the core. Photography also is normally done after the core has been slabbed. The rock type and condition will determine the proper saw and blade selection. The fluid used as a coolant and lubricant is chosen to enhance cutting efficiency and reduce damage to the core.

Porosity and Permeability

Application of an unsteady-state, pressure-transient technique allows Core Laboratories’ CMS-300 instrument to generate porosity, permeability, Klinkenberg permeability, Forchheimer inertial resistance factor (Beta), and Klinkenberg slip factor (b) at in situ stress conditions. Measurements can be made at multiple confining stresses up to 10,000 psi. Traditional steady-state measurements are also available.

Profile Permeametry

Rapid, quantitative unsteady state determination of detailed permeability variations (Klinkenberg, Forchheimer and Beta factors provided). Measurement on the core surface either as a single track or as a two-dimensional permeability map.

Full Diameter Core Analysis

Full diameter core analysis, sometimes called whole core analysis, allows for determination of rock properties in complex lithologies such as carbonates and fractured or vugular rock that would be difficult to represent with plug type analysis.

Sample Plugging and Encapsulation

Acquiring the highest quality, representative samples from whole core segments is a vital step in the core analysis process. Core Lab utilizes the latest technology and equipment, highly trained personnel and a variety of proven methods in order to obtain the best quality sample for your specific project needs. Our experienced personnel can assist you in determining an acquisition protocol that best represents your reservoir and yields the highest quality core analysis data in the business.

Fluid Saturations

Fluid saturation determination are generally either by distillation / extraction (Dean Stark) or by retort (summation of fluids). The Dean Stark method is the more favored technique since fluid saturations, permeability and porosity are determined on the same sample. Summation of fluids require the destruction of the sample being used for fluids.